Posted by Clovis Art Guild California on Monday, April 2, 2018
The year has hardly begun and I'm very excited about the opportunities we have available to us. We have the Old West Show back in the Veteran's Room, thanks to Alice's wonderful negotiation skills, (Thank you Alice!). We hope to have our Small Works Show in either the Clovis or the Sunnyside Library (Dave Boothby is still working on this) so no promises as yet. Sunnyside library is where we have a year-round exhibit, except for the month and a half when SWA borrows the space for their spring show.
We still need to do a major amount of fundraising however. Shirley Lindgrin is in charge of the Fundraising table at our meetings. Remember all funds from a sale go directly to the Guild to help pay for things like awards for shows or Maintence items like our insurance and rental of the space to park our trailer. You can bring in anything you like, but if it doesn't sell, it goes home with you.
Please encourage local business owners or your friends and family to buy space in the OWS show catalog. There may still be time to get one in. Check with Alice!